Explainer Videos

Video explains better than all other mediums.

Things are easier to understand when presented in video. They just are. A two-minute video can make you understand something which ten minutes of reading only made more confusing. Why? Because video encompasses all other mediums. It blends them together and does so in a way which maximises communicative potential.

Video combines audio and visuals, engaging as many senses as possible. This lights the mind right up. By creating multiple points of stimulation, video enables a more involved and rewarding experience for the viewer. The more involved and engaged you are, the easier it is to process the message conveyed.

The Attention Span is an Endangered Species

Fact is, save for a few bold mavericks, no one can be bothered to read anymore. It's a miracle you're even reading this. This is why explainer videos are essential. How else to communicate a message of any complexity in a world where inboxes need checking every other minute. A world of techno-magpies.

Digital technology has accustomed us to instant gratification. Even a one second delay in loading an internet page is now intolerable – you know it's true. So, if you have an important message to get out there, time is not on your side. An explainer video makes immediate impact. Within seconds (using words, sounds, graphics, facts, figures, maps, and more) you can present a huge amount of information. And you can do so in a visually striking way that grabs hold of the viewer with both hands.

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